May 1st - Second Lagos United Charities Fair

Following last year’s event attended by more than 500 people, a group of charities located in the western Algarve are once again joining together to hold a United Charities Fair. This will be on Tuesday 1 May from 10am – 4 pm at the Mercado do Levante – the Farmer’s Market - which is located next to the bus station in Lagos.

Titled ‘The United Charities Fair – Charities Working Together’, this fair is organised by supporters of the Volunteer Firemen of Lagos, Nandi Animal Charity, Madrugada Association, and the Organization for Children with Special Needs - Riding for the Disabled-Barlavento.

The United Charities Fair will be a day of family fun including: the sale of goods to support the various charities; a combined demonstration by the Lagos Bombeiros and Red Cross; and a presentation by Grupo de Dança do Centro de Estudos de Lagos. Stalls will include jewellery, household items, fashion accessories, bric-a-brac, arts and crafts as well as refreshments and home made produce. 

Information about the charities will be available, since one of the objectives of the Fair is to invite residents to become involved in the many charities that benefit both residents and expats. The aim is also to create more awareness about charities helping each other to achieve their different objectives.

Traders are invited to take part and the price for participating is €20 per pitch.  Volunteers are also needed to help with the event and to supply cakes and pastries, both savoury and sweet, for refreshments on the day.
If you  wish to have a stall or can help with man-power or baking, please contact Pat Allen on 282 697 548 ( or Cristina Teixeira at Madrugada on 282 761 375 (